2023 Schuylkill Highlands Annual Meeting Agenda
October 13th
9:30am to 12:00pm
(9:30am to 10:30am)
Welcome and PA DCNR Update, Drew Gilchrist, Regional Advisor, PA DCNR
SH Partnership Update, Carol De Wolf, Director Schuylkill Highlands
- Draft Brochure, Jocelyn Canfield, Communications Results
SHCL Action Plan (2023 – 2026), Catherine Grace, Director of Consulting Operations, and Eileen Hillman, Sn Consultant, Relevant Strategies & Solutions
Five Partner Awards – Celebrating Exceptional Partners
Partner Sharing
(10:30am to 12:00am)
PA Highlands, Mark Zakutansky, Director of Conservation Policy Development, Danielle Guttman, Conservation Outreach Manager, AMC
Discover Pathways, Adam Forbes, Executive Director
Schuylkill Paddle with Pottstown NAACP Chapter, Fred Stine, Community Action Coordinator, Delaware Riverkeeper Network
Schuylkill River Trail & Heritage Area, Tim Fenchel, Deputy Director, and Jacob Gardner, Trails Project Manager, SRG
SGL 43 Trail Restoration Plan to Protect Water Quality of French Creek, Peter Fernandez, President, CVDA & Assoc.
Mt Penn Trails & Stewardship for MP3, Kelsey Boyd, Stewardship Program Manager, Rick Tralies, Sn Director of Landscape Planning, Natural Lands
Natural Lands – Strategic Land Protection Planning and Updates, Todd Sampsell, Vice President
Hopewell Big Woods Land Protection Plan, Karl Russek, Conservation Coordinator, French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust
Berks Nature Update, Andrew Fetterman, Vice President for Land and Stewardship
Heritage Conservancy Land Protection Update, Matt Babbitt, Conservation Acquisition Specialists
Sustainability and Solar Update, Rachel Griffith, Sustainability Director, Chester County Planning Commission
Pottstown Area Regional Rec., Patricia McCloskey, Recreation Planner
Montgomery County, Donna Fabry, Principal Trails, and Open Space Planner